
Painting Done!

Got the upstairs painting done this past week. Baby's room is a nice, bright, orange. It looks as if someone left the light on, no kidding. Spencer's handprints on the north wall make a nice addition.

The master bedroom turned out a little more powder blue than expected (we were hoping for a smokey-gray blue, if that's even a color). Still, it's better than the old paint job. New curtains are done too - Amy and her mom put those together and they look great.

We also redid the main level, but we hired someone to do that. Got a great deal from a local guy who had some downtime.

Next step is to get the upstairs recarpeted and lay some carpet down on the basement stairs.. From there all that is left to ready the house for sale is painting the basement. Doesn't really need it but what the hey... we've come this far!

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