
Dear Customer???

Wow. So I apply for a new account at EmigrantDirect.com (as I referenced below), and I get an email from them thanking me for my application. The salutation???

"Dear Customer"

Wow, how personalized. Gee, I gave them me and my wife's name, drivers license, and bank account. You'd think they could do a little better than that! Something like...

"Dear cheap bastard, how much college do you think that measly $100 is going to pay for?"

"Dear joker, we looked at your checking account, and you're not worth having as a customer"

"Dear leadfoot, we looked up your driving record."

"Hey mister paid-off-both-their-cars, we have auto refiance loans..."

I mean come on! "Dear Customer"? Tom Peters would be so impressed.

And, if that's how bad they are with managing data, it doesn't give me a lot of confidence in managing my financial data.

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