We'll take Spencer's sleep whenever, and wherever, we can get it.

Garrett is eating cereal now (started about three days ago).

Garrett is also starting to balance himself. Pretty tough for him given his size. Hey Bren, recognize the outfit? =)

We've become members of the Children's Museum (the Seattle Aquarium, too). The Children's Museum is part of Seattle Center; Spencer loves to take the Monorail there. The Monorail is within walking distance of our apartment.
Here's a weird thought: Garrett has spent 20% of his life in Seattle. Yeah, I'm a data guy.
Love the pictures!
Sitting... very cool. I love the picture of Spencer in the submarine bike!!
Can't believe Garrett can already wear the Wings outfit! Good thing I always bought Spencer's clothes too big, now Garrett can wear them sooner! Love the pictures of the boys.
Love the pics.
The boys are getting so big.
Almost makes me want to have one.(Almost Aaron).
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