
An afternoon at Denny Creek

The Denny Creek Slippery Slab is just a really cool creation of nature. It's a natural waterslide accessible via a easy one mile hike from the trailhead. Given the weather above 90 degrees the last two days, we decided to head for Snoqualmie Pass and hit the slab.

Last year when we went in early June, we encountered a little snow halfway up. This year, we encountered snow at the trailhead. Wow. It was passable, and actually made a hike in 90+ degree weather much easier. The trail was covered in snow most of the way up, and we escaped with only a few cuts due to spills.

At the waterslide itself, there was way too much water flow to slide down it, so not much to do other than have a picnic lunch and dip our toes in the freezing water.

A couple times we got turned around and lost the trail!

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